Koffee Brown: Familiar Name, But New Music and Memories In the Making 

Authored By: Cindy Mich

It’s been twenty-three years since Koffee Brown has released a new project. The duo is coming back out and Ryan Lane is their new male member. Koffee Brown truly wants to give the fans a taste of old school R&B male/female sound. They are excited to back out singing on stages, and I am excited to talk to them! 


It has been twenty-three years since you have released new music. Because that is a bit of time, how do you get back into the swing of things so as to create sensational new tracks? Further, the music industry as a whole has experienced some major shifts in the last two decades. Do you feel that you will be able to grab new fan bases with your new sound and structure? 

Our recording process is pretty organic. We just go off what feels good and what we want to speak about from a musical standpoint. Even though a lot has changed over time, we still keep the essence of Koffee Brown, and that is expressing love while having a good time. I am sure we would have no problem grabbing our old fans back and getting new ones. If you love good music, you will love what we bring.  

For those unaware, you are from the NY/NJ area. Talk to your readers a bit about being a musician in the Big Apple. I imagine there is much competition for bookings; P2P scenarios in particular venues, and have they clamped down on subway performances?

Yes, we are both from the NY/NJ area. Living in the big Apple is the city of dreams with lots of opportunities. I am sure it is very competitive, but we created a lane of our own and we focus on that. An R&B duo has not been done in so long, so we ae preparing to reclaim our spot. We will be touring not only in the Tri-State area, but all over the world.  

Vee, tell me about the adjustments that are necessary when you start creating with a new musical partner. Are there certain elements that you carry forward from your days with Fonz, or this is a totally new recreation? Likewise, for you Ryan, when you walked into this - were you worried that fans would not take well to a different musician in Koffee Brown? Rayn, give us a bit of background on your history in music. 

Good Question. No, I was not worried at all, but I knew I had big shoes to fill. People are going to always have opinions, and especially when it comes to a replacement in a group. However,    I am focused on what I bring to the Koffee Brown legacy. I have been traveling and performing for years, so I know that my artistry will shine through. Koffee Brown will pick up right where we left off.  


Some have indicated that your music is best described as neo-soul, which is a less conventional and more experimental sound than R & B. Would you describe your sound as such? Also, in today's culture, from whom do you derive your musical inspiration? 

I don’t know if I would call it neo-soul, but I would say that it was the master mind of KayGee. He has a thing for creating amazing and timeless music that just makes you feels good. In today’s climate we are going to bring back that feeling to music.  


Walk me through your typical process for songwriting (assuming you have some sort of routine). Moreover, is this a team effort, or is one of you the lead as to lyrics? 

It is definitely a team effort, We base the music on both our vibe and what the track is saying to us. Ryan comes up with a melody idea, and then we exchange words that come from both a male and female prospective. It just floats from there. It is just a conversation we have together or with friends. We focus on keeping the situations real and relatable to the people.  


In watching you perform together, you give off such a mutual admiration for each other. You inject such excitement and energy into a room. Does this come naturally, or did this require some practice and planning as to stage performance? 

Performing with each other is absolutely natural. We vibe off of each other while doing what we love to do.  

Finally, what can we expect from Koffee Brown in 2024?   

You can expect "FIRE" from Koffee Brown. Seriously, new fans can expect a great vibe. Audiences will be able to relate and identify with what we are talking about and feel all the emotions that come along with listening.  

To learn more, go to: https://www.youtube.com/@KoffeeBrownMusic/ 

Known by musicians around the world as the “Minister of Groove,” Zoro is an internationally-renowned rock star, one of the world’s most respected and award-winning drummers. Throughout more than thirty years of his career, Zoro has been consistently voted the #1 R&B drummer and clinician by the premier music industry publications Modern Drummer, Drum!, and Rhythm Magazine. Take a few moments to listen in to our video interview, which is below.

Interview with Zoro the Drummer